David Towner
Today Is My Favorite Day
Stay Positive Despite Life's Dirty Dishes, Difficult Seasons, and Devastating Events!
Watch my short video and learn more!
"God loves you. Don't let anyone, including yourself, tell you otherwise."
"Each day is a celebration of life and we decide if we'll join the party!"

"Each day is a celebration of life, and we decide if we'll join the party!"
Your outlook is everything....
Hi, I’m David and this is my wife Tonya. Thanks for visiting our site! We know your time is valuable and you just want to know how can this book help me??
Well I am glad you asked! This year of 2020 has been challenging for many and trying to stay positive and not let it get us down and out can be a struggle. Little did I know that when I wrote Today Is My Favorite Day a few years ago how much I would need it this year!
This year I have found myself struggling with:
+ my FEARS, & what is going to happen to us all?
+my DOUBTS, as I wondered does God care about me or my struggles?
+my ANGER, as I filled up with frustrations and feeling so powerless during Covid...
+the FUTURE, I continue to wonder will things ever go back to being the same?
+the PRESENT, how do I get thru another day?
Looking back on the many difficult and painful times in my life I can see how God was going to use those times to help me and others right now. After experiencing things from financial loses, almost losing a daughter & new born grandson, & wife being hit in multiple car accidents, & the big "C" cancer, God led me to 6 simple truths about Him when I was in a very dark place. He helped me to see that I had to choose, what will I focus on each day.
These 6 simple truths helped me to find and hold on to my peace, positive outlook, and most importantly hope...and they are still helping me today as I navigate the challenges of Covid.
This book is raw and real with some of my own crazy sense of humor. If you are looking to be encouraged, find hope, and a positive outlook, I hope you will check it out. To help you get a taste of what it is about, I made the first chapter available for free so you can read it before you buy! Just click on the home button at the top and in the drop down menu click on the TIMFD sample.
I would love to pray for you, and to encourage you right now. If you would like to sign up for my emails to receive future notifications, and be prayed for, please fill out the form below or follow me on my Facebook or Instagram page. Lets encourage each other right now.
In His Hands,
David and Tonya
"Life is made up of detours, dead ends, & dry holes. Its also made up of dirty dishes, devastating events, and debilitating cancer. But for David Towner, he's learned a secret. And you can learn that secret to. That today, this day, this bad day, still belongs to a sovereign God who is in control of every area of your life. And because of that today can be your favorite day. Just remember this: here, there, everywhere, He knows it all. Its a great read, inspiring, & inviting.
Ken Whitten, Senior Pastor, Idlewild Baptist Church
"Wherever you find yourself-a medical diagnosis, loss of a loved one, feeling overwhelmed, simply needing a moment of encouragement-this book is for you. Dave, you are a blessing a& a gift to our world. May others find the love and peace you have found in Christ through the reading and spiritual wisdom of Today is my favorite day.
Rev. Terry King, CEO, Saving Grace Ministries, Buffalo, NY
"We year to understand how Gods truth is lived in our experience. David graciously allows us to see how truth shaped a man during his most difficult circumstances. His story shows how God provides and directs a life when one is willing to listen. We see how one seriously considers Gods timeless truth as it shapes perspectives and circumstances, giving birth to hope and love. David invites us all to experience Gods timeless truth in our own life experiences.
Robert Sprague, PH. D. Lecturer, College of Business, California State University, Chico
"This is a wonderful story of perseverance and the ability to laugh in the face of adversity. Today Is My Favorite Day is positively, powerfully inspirational."
Don Kendrick, COL. USA (Ret), Tampa, Florida
"We laughed, we cried. We cringed when God convicted us for savoring "whine". The six simple truths are as powerful as they are simple. We wholeheartedly endorse this book. It authentically promotes the application s of Biblical revelations as God's plan for spiritual health & vitality in any circumstance."
Ron & April Beck, Biblical Marriage and Family Counselors, Tampa, Florida
"Most of us go thru life, believing nothing awful will happen to me. Until it does. Dave shares his gut-wrenching story, his emotional roller coaster and the typical response-disbelief, self pity, and the inevitable, why me? The book is a series of experiences that should be shared with anyone facing true challenges and offers a better path. One filled with humor, courage, and faith."
Chip Bauder, JD, CPWA, Vice President, Raymond James Wealth Retirement Solutions
"Things going well? Read this book. Going thru a difficult time? Read this book. Enduring seemingly crushing circumstances? Read this book. Ever day is a gift from God. This is May Favorite Day will allow you to see it that way."
Scott Cory, Superintendent, Santa Ynez Valley School District, California
"This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

You hear people say, "Just trust God." Let's be honest, when you are fighting for your life, that statement can seems trite, and not very helpful.
I felt powerless, I wanted answers, and I wanted to know it was going to be OK. But there wasn't anything anyone could say that could promise me anything.
This is when I knew I had to keep speaking out the 6 simple truths form Gods word daily. I needed to focus on a different truth if I wanted to keep from falling into the deep, dark, despair pit.
Being able to focus on Gods truth helped me to stop demanding & begging for answers and begin the process to accept what I needed to face, as I waited for answers.
We created the TIMFD Workbook to help others to focus on remembering the six simple truths as you awake each day. It helped me and I believe can make a difference if you apply it.
David & Tonya
The TIMFD Workbook correlates with every chapter in the TIMFD Book. Each chapter is filled with Bible Study, probing questions, and home application homework to reinforce what you are learning through the book and workbook.

Have you ever been so angry or felt so lost that you struggled with praying to God? I did when I was in the hospital. The sad thing is I have been a Pastor here in Tampa at The Harbor Church for 23 years, and now I am at a lost for words......not normal for us Pastors!!!!
So to help get myself in a better place I started to write down prayers each day of what I wanted to say to God. I never realized that I would be sharing them with others, but I still use them to help guide me in those moments I don't know what to say....or I am just having a really bad health day.
So . . . if you desire to begin a dialogue with Him or you just want to reconnect with Jesus again, then get the TIMFD Prayer Book.
Come join me on this prayer journey.
The TIMFD Prayer Book is filled with sixty prayers, Each prayer has corresponding Scripture and an area to write notes.